CloverDX Product Webinar

Building APIs and User Interfaces For Your Data Workloads

Calvin Cortez, Solutions Engineering
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Building APIs and User Interfaces for Your Data Workloads

Watch our demonstration of how you can build custom data APIs (Data Services) and create user-friendly interfaces with a single click of a button.

Connecting applications, either peer to peer or making near real-time data exchanges between applications and data storage, has become a normal part of data workloads. CloverDX is a great platform to support these mixed processes, facilitating exchange of data between storage, applications and people.

Watch now and learn about:

  • Publishing and collecting data over a REST API in CloverDX (Data Services)
  • How to publish simple "Data Apps" for non-technical users to interact with your data jobs
  • What are the common use cases for Data Services and Data Apps and why you should consider using those
  • Advanced use cases and extensions to Data Services and Data Apps
  • Includes 20mins and Q&A session
Calvin Cortez works with customers to introduce CloverDX, prototype rapid solutions to meet different use cases, and solve specific client data problems.

CloverDX has been working at the coalface of data challenges since 2007. We’ve worked with companies large and small around the world, in industries such as finance, healthcare and consulting, to help them build and manage better data pipelines and deliver better data outcomes.

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