Data mapping to suit all your users


Enable technical users and non-technical domain experts to all manage data mapping in the way that works for them.

Data engineers can code to handle complex scenarios, and non-technical users can manage mapping either in Excel or CloverDX's simple Wrangler interface. And CloverDX makes it easy for the two teams to collaborate for a faster, more agile process.

Data mapping in the CloverDX Wrangler interface

Free up technical resource by putting data mapping in the hands of data owners

The domain experts are the ones that truly understand the data. But they're often not technical enough to build business logic directly into data pipelines.

But with CloverDX, those non-technical users can define core business logic by implementing data mappings in user-friendly ways.

No complicated technical tools to learn, and no frustrating back-and-forth with the technical team.

Users can manage mappings either in Excel, or in CloverDX Wrangler's simple drag-and-drop interface.

Mappings can then be used by technical teams directly in data pipelines, without any manual intervention.



Data mapping for non-technical users

One of the ways to implement data mapping is by using CloverDX Wrangler - the intuitive interface to CloverDX for non-technical users.

You as a technical user can define the mapping required for a data target, and it's then easy for non-technical users to assign mappings with a simple drag-and-drop function.

The visual interface shows users exactly what's needed, with simple error messages to help identify problems (such as trying to map a text field to a target column that requires a number).

Data mapping in CloverDX Wrangler

Use Excel for data mapping

CloverDX can also turn Excel documents into an executable part of a data pipeline.

Business users can define mappings in an Excel template, and those mappings can be automatically read and translated by a CloverDX workflow.

Business users work where they’re comfortable, and technical users get the benefit of their domain knowledge, injected directly into the pipeline. 


Handle complex mapping logic with code

Some mappings require more complex business logic. CloverDX makes it easier for data engineers or developers to implement data mapping in pipelines by enabling you to code whenever you need, while still allowing you to handle simple mapping faster with drag-and-drop.

And for processes that need to be repeated, you can build your own reusable components that can be shared across users or projects, saving time and ensuring consistency.


Better collaboration between technical and business teams

Streamlined, accurate data mapping requires collaboration between technical teams and non-technical users.

Rather than using developer time to handle the mapping (which also usually means lots of frustrating back and forth with the relevant business teams), the most effective way of handling data mapping is to empower business users to manage the majority of the process themselves, while the technical users focus on only the most complex scenarios.

And by giving business users a way to manage mappings that integrates with larger, more technical data workflows, CloverDX helps improve collaboration and minimize wasted time.


Example use cases

How business users can take care of data mapping, with seamless integration into data pipelines

wrangler mapping - designer-2
Let non-technical users define core business logic

The domain experts are the ones that truly understand the data. But they're often not technical enough to build business logic directly into data pipelines.

But with CloverDX, the domain experts and the technical teams can work together - both using interfaces where they're comfortable - to combine their respective expertise.

Business users (domain experts) implement data mappings in Wrangler using a simple drag-and-drop interface. 

Technical users can then take that mapping and use it directly as a component in their larger end-to-end data pipeline in CloverDX Designer.

How CloverDX-based data mapping helps Diameter Health onboard customers more quickly

Diameter Health use an Excel-based data mapping process as part of their CloverDX workflow. The goal was to enable people who don't have coding experience to help with ingestion of customer files.

"With the CloverDX solution, we can present our customers with an out-of-the-box solution where they don’t need to spend extra effort and IT cost.

Which is a big win for them, but also a big win for us because we can offer a scalable service which is a new revenue stream for us.  

And of course, the whole process of delivering value to a customer is much quicker; we’ve been able to do it within a month. And we have more control over the process."

 - Harvard Pan, CTO, Diameter Health

Request a CloverDX demo

If you want to find out more about how you can make data mapping easier and faster - through whichever interface suits the user best - just fill in the form and we'll give you a call back to chat through your use case and arrange a good time for a personalized demo.